PAINTINGS 1912-1913 
 PAINTINGS 1914-1915 
 PAINTINGS 1916-1920 
 PAINTINGS 1921-1923 
 PAINTINGS 1924-1926 
 PAINTINGS 1926-1929 
 PAINTINGS 1928-1935 
 PAINTINGS 1933-1942 
 PAINTINGS 1942-1956 






  PAINTING 1921-1923 РУ FR DE EN

On the 16th November 1920 the Puni couple arrived in Berlin, and in February 1921 a solo exhibition of Puni at Galerie Der Sturm took place.
In Berlin he continued to experiment in various directions.
Influenced by Ozenfant's ideas, Puni tries to work in the aesthetics of purism.
In search of his visual language for synthetic art, he combines different stylistic ideas - cubism and naturalism, figurative and objectless into a single whole ("Synthetic Musician", 1921).
In the direction of synthetic cubism Puni makes still lifes in gouache, stylistically close to the works of Marcoussis.
In the direction of constructive naturalism he creates a number of vertical still lifes with a palette, saw, bottle, frame, etc. Familiar objects are composed partly in a familiar, partly in an absurdist position. Straight lines predominate. Relatively bright colours of specific complex Punic mixtures; the colour is lively, fluttering.
His views on art Puni outlines in a number of articles and in the brochure "Modern Painting" (ed. Frenkel, Berlin, 1923).
Participation in exhibitions: 1921 - solo exhibition, 1922 - 1923 - three group exhibitions a year.

1921. Composition. Mixed technique. 54 х 63 cm. Exhibited at the 1st Russian Exhibition at Galerie Van Diemen. Berlinische Galerie, Berlin 1921-1922. Composition - Decanter with Rose. Oil, canvas. Lost. Photo from «Das Kunstblatt» Nr. 7, 1923, S. 197 1921. Synthetic Musician. Oil, canvas. 145 х 98 cm. Berlinische Galerie, Berlin 1921-1922. Newspaper Reader. Oil, canvas. Lost. Photo from «Das Kunstblatt» Nr. 7, 1923, S. 192
1921. Accordionist. Oil, cardboard. 61 х 34 cm. Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris 1921. Still Life. Gouache, paper. 58 х 42 cm 1921-1922. White Jug. Gouache, paper. 60 х 45 cm. The Manasherov Collection, Moscow 1921-1922. Still Life with Bottle and Glove. Gouache, paper. 60 х 48 cm. Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris
1922. Still Life with Coffee Pot. Oil, canvas. Lost 1922. Still Life with Milk Can. Oil, canvas. Exhibited at the 1st Russian Exhibition at Galerie Van Diemen. Lost. Photo from exhibition catalogue and from «Das Kunstblatt» Nr. 7, 1923, S. 199 1922. Frame and Bottle. Oil, canvas. 58 х 46 cm. Exhibited at the 1st Russian Exhibition at Galerie Van Diemen. Krasnodar Regional Art Museum named after F.A. Kovalenko, inv. Ж-238 1922. Black Table and Bottle. Oil, canvas. 70 х 45 cm. The Manasherov Collection, Moscow